Overview of Gold Dragons
Gold dragons stand as the strongest and most majestic of the metallic dragons, considered the apex of the draconic race. Graceful and wise, they are relentless and dedicated foes of evil, injustice, and foul play. While respected for their fairness and knowledge, they are also grim and reserved, usually avoiding casual contact with other dragons.
Physical Description
Gold dragons possess radiant scales that shimmer like molten gold in the sunlight, reflecting their noble and regal nature. Their heads are characterized by short faces with long and smooth metallic horns that sweep back from their noses and brows. They also feature neck frills that adorn both sides of their necks, adding to the majestic appearance.
From their mouths and nostrils descend four pairs of long, flexible muscular spines that resemble whiskers or barbels. Along with their narrow eyes, these features contribute to giving them a look of sagacity. As the dragon ages, its pupils fade away until the eyes acquire an appearance of shiny, liquid gold. Other facial features include pointed tongues and small cheek horns that grow sideways.
Gold dragons have broad sail-like wings that start from the shoulders and extend all the way to the end of their extremely long tails. During flight, the wings move in a graceful ripping motion that resembles swimming. This elegant flying motion is considered by many scholars, as well by the gold dragons themselves, to be the most graceful among true dragons. When on the ground, their wings are kept closed upright over the backs if the dragon is at rest, or folded facing back if the dragon is walking or running.
Habitat and Territory
Gold Dragons do not have strong preferences about their lairs, but they tend to choose lairs made of stone, such as caves and castles, where they can feel secure and secluded. Within these lairs, they often recruit other loyal creatures as guards, ensuring the safety of their treasures and the sanctity of their domain.
Gold Dragons also favor lairs that are located near sources of water, such as lakes, rivers, or oceans, as they enjoy the sound and reflection of water, which they find calming and meditative. Some Gold Dragons even dwell in underwater caves, adding an extra layer of protection to their hoards.
The lair of a Gold Dragon possesses residual magic, granting the dragon special abilities and enhancing the surrounding environment. While in its lair, a Gold Dragon has a limited capability to glimpse into the future and to banish invaders into a dream plane of the dragon’s own creation. The region around the lair also experiences magical effects, such as banks of opalescent mists that haunt evil creatures and warn good creatures of danger.
Gold Dragons enjoy treasures that showcase artisanship, such as paintings, sculptures, calligraphy, and porcelain. They have a great fascination for magic items and love to add them to their hoards. It is common for them to magically ward their hoards, making it impossible for an item to be removed without the dragon’s knowledge. These wards are often intricate, involving a combination of runes, illusions, and protective spells that deter even the most skilled thieves.
Behavior and Society
Gold dragons exhibit a sense of duty and honor, tirelessly working to uphold justice and protect the innocent. They are known for their relentless pursuit of evil, injustice, and foul play, and are considered the apex of the draconic race.
Every Gold Dragon in the world acknowledges a hierarchy that spans the entire race. This structure has a single elected leader at the top: a wyrm or great wyrm called the King (or Queen) of Justice, who bears the honorific “Your Resplendence” and serves until death or resignation. The selection of a replacement, either by election or acclamation, is a process in which all Gold Dragons take part. It is also possible for two dragons of equal merit to be elected as leaders, in which case they may share duties or alternate leadership.
Because Gold Dragons are aware of their responsibilities, the duties of the King (or Queen) of Justice are typically light. They most frequently act as advisors to other dragons in their quests to defeat evil, pointing out consequences and hidden ramifications. Less frequently, the Gold Dragon ruler acts as a representative of the entire race when dealing with other species, or as a judge on the extremely rare occasion in which a Gold Dragon commits an offense.
Gold Dragons often form close-knit communities, with older dragons taking on mentoring roles for the younger ones. These communities are usually secretive, with their exact locations known only to the members and a few trusted allies. The bond between Gold Dragons is one of mutual respect and shared purpose, and disputes among them are rare.
Abilities and Powers
Gold Dragons possess a formidable array of abilities and powers that make them formidable adversaries and wise counselors alike. They prefer to parlay before a fight, using their intimidating presence and insight to determine if fighting is necessary, to find advantages, and to buy time to cast preparatory spells.
In combat, Gold Dragons make heavy use of fire-based spells such as delayed blast fireball and fire shield, as well as deterrent spells such as cloudkill, globe of invulnerability, maze, sleep, slow, and stinking cloud. A common tactic for a Gold Dragon in a fight is to use their breath weapon as a means to scatter and weaken their foes. They possess two such breath weapons: a powerful fire breath and a cone of weakening gas. The fire breath is capable of incinerating entire battalions, while the weakening gas can sap the strength and resolve of even the most stalwart enemies.
Additionally, older Gold Dragons possess the ability to shapeshift into humanoid or beast forms, allowing them to interact with mortals more easily. They often assume non-threatening forms to blend in with local communities, providing help, company, and comfort to those in need. In some cases, they may even use their disguises to set up traps for evildoers, using themselves as bait.
Gold Dragons are also skilled in the use of divination magic, often employing it to foresee potential threats and challenges. Their ability to glimpse into the future, though limited, allows them to make strategic decisions that ensure the protection of their domains and allies.
Cultural Significance
Gold Dragons hold a revered place in the lore and legends of many cultures, seen as symbols of wisdom, justice, and divine providence. They are often depicted as guardians of sacred sites and repositories of ancient knowledge, sought out by mortals seeking guidance and enlightenment.
Gold Dragons were the only species to have their own written language. However, they could only write in human form, since their dragon claws were not practical for holding writing equipment. These dragons even kept records of historic events, although the content was mostly useless to human historians as they described dragon events like dragon births, trials, and deaths, rather than events that affected the non-dragon world.
Strong believers in the greater good and rule of order, Gold Dragons are sometimes viewed as arrogant and dismissive. They tend to avoid philosophical or ethical discussions with beings they deem inferior, although they enjoy arguing in favor of law. Due to their vast superiority over the average humanoid, they often have difficulty understanding the everyday troubles and needs of communities and, in some rare instances, might even end up becoming tyrants.
Despite being capable of eating almost anything, Gold Dragons tend to hunt large and dangerous monsters and are particularly fond of including pearls and gems in their diet. Older dragons can locate gems in their vicinity supernaturally. They tend to receive such gifts well, except if they are given as bribes.
While Gold Dragons are among the most powerful of their kind, their strict adherence to law and justice can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Their strong moral compass makes them predictable in certain situations, as they are unlikely to break their code of conduct, even when it might be strategically advantageous. This rigidity can be exploited by cunning adversaries who understand their unwavering commitment to justice.
Additionally, their need to protect and serve can sometimes lead them to take on more than they can handle, spreading their resources thin and leaving them vulnerable to well-coordinated attacks. Although rare, there have been instances where Gold Dragons have fallen due to their overconfidence in their abilities or underestimating the guile of their enemies.
Gold Dragon Enemies:
Red Dragons: These dragons are particularly strong rivals of gold dragons. Red dragons resent the more powerful gold dragons and often scheme or gang up against them.
Evil Creatures: Given their alignment with good, gold dragons are relentless foes of evil, injustice, and foul play. This includes a wide range of evil beings and villains.
Humanoids with Evil Intentions: While gold dragons rarely consume humanoids, they will not hesitate to act against those who are blatantly evil or pose a threat to their domain.
Notable Gold Dragon of Vacari: Kimras
Kimras, a revered and ancient Gold Dragon from Vacari, stands as a notable figure in the annals of draconic history. Renowned for his wisdom, valor, and unwavering dedication to justice, Kimras has left an indelible mark on the world.
Elves of Vacari Series:
The Wicked Phoenix:
During the liberation of Goldmoor, Kimras played a pivotal role as the mount of Keisha, carrying her into battle against the forces of darkness. His noble presence and formidable strength inspired hope in allies and struck fear into the hearts of enemies. The bond between Kimras and Keisha began when she was tasked by the Eldarin council to seek out the dragons for help. Although Ong accompanied her, it was Keisha who captured Kimras’s attention. When Keisha responded to Kimras's inquiry about what the elves and humans wanted, stating they sought the dragons' help, Kimras tested her by challenging her to stay on his back. Impressed by her skill, Kimras forged a strong connection with Keisha from that day forward.
Shadows Unveiled:
Kimras once again demonstrated his courage and selflessness by rescuing Keisha from being sacrificed to the Abyss. With swift and decisive action, he intervened to snatch her from the jaws of certain doom, embodying the noble ideals of Gold Dragons. During this rescue, Kimras instructed Amara to destroy the altar and delivered a message to Vuarus, warning that his days were numbered. Throughout this time, Kimras watched over Keisha, ensuring her safety in every way he could.
Healing Bonds:
It was Kimras's suggestion that the Dragons return as protectors over specific areas in Vacari. Kimras and the golden dragons took over the protection of Goldmoor, helping the citizens rebuild Goldmoor after the destruction it saw in Shadows. Kimras also reflected on whether their earlier return could have spared Keisha from some of the suffering she endured. However, he recognized that it was crucial to focus on moving forward rather than dwelling on the past.
Kimras's actions serve as a testament to the valor and righteousness of Gold Dragons, highlighting their unwavering commitment to protecting and combating evil wherever it may lurk. He also has a special place in his heart for the Eladrin elf, Keisha, with whom he shares a deep and enduring connection. You can be sure that Kimras will make his presence known in future series, so be on the lookout to see what Kimras does next.